
Please contact me in advance, or the same day. Calls anytime 24/7.

I can keep my agenda free for you!

I offer you full privacy and discretion so that our time together to be relaxing and perfect. The information that you are providing me with, is used solely for arranging the date and preparing myself for our time together.

When booking me, please specify your exact address and contact details.

My location in Moscow is the city center- I can be quick arrived at different places. I know how to dress elegantly.


  Set up an appointment with me HERE:


The phone +79169970372


  or email 


The Whatsapp +79169970372



On the phone can be me or my friendly dispatcher; 


I am not always can answer the phone because of my busy life, the part time study and care about myself.

If you want to meet me as soon as possible, the time of my arrival will depends on your location.


See you, 

sweet Vero,💄xx